Day 1Sunday Chest and Triceps
Day 2Monday Back and Traps
Day 3Tuesday OFF
Day 4WednesdayQuads and Calves
Day 5Thursday Shoulders and Biceps
Day 6Friday Deadlift and Hamstrings
Day 7Saturday OFF


Shoulders and Biceps
Shoulders Seated Barbell Press Power 2 or 4 3 to 5  
  Seated Arnold Press Muscle 2 or 3 6 to 12 Grip Dumbbells with palms facing towards you.
As you push up, rotate arms so palms face out.
  Barbell Front Raise Muscle 2 6 to 12 Grip Barbell with palms facing toward you,
lift bar up even with chin.
  Dumbbell Lateral Raise Burn 1 40 Hold dumbbells at your side with palms facing in.
When you reach the top, slowly lower them to your side again.
Biceps Pinwheel Curls Power 2 3 to 5 Cross Over curls
  Standing Barbell Curl Muscle 2 or 3 6 to 12 Ordinary Curls with Barbell
  Cable Preacher Curl Burn 1 or 2 40 Sitting curls with Barbell and Curl bench (or machine)
Cardio 550 Calories Worth        
Abs *enter routine specifics later*        

* images from