Day 1Sunday Chest and Triceps
Day 2Monday Back and Traps
Day 3Tuesday OFF
Day 4WednesdayQuads and Calves
Day 5Thursday Shoulders and Biceps
Day 6Friday Deadlift and Hamstrings
Day 7Saturday OFF


Chest and Triceps
Cardio 550 Calories Worth        
Chest Bench Press Power 2 or 4 3 to 5 Keep your arms wide 90 degrees only
  Incline Bench Press Muscle 2 or 3 6 to 12 Use the incline bench to do a bench press
  Dumbbell Bench Press Muscle 2 or 3 6 to 12 Don't come down more than 90 degrees
  Dumbbell Flys Burn 1 40 Lay back, fly weight out.
Be carefull not to over extend
Triceps Closegrip Bench Press Power 2 3 to 5 Bench press with your hands about 4" apart
  Seated French Press Muscle 2 6 to 12 Barbell, over head, tricep extension
  Cable Tricep Extension Burn 1 40 Tricep Extension down with Rope on cable machine
Abs *enter routine specifics later*        

* images from